Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Aug 24, 2006,7:25 PM

Hey fifers,

I don't know about you guys, but I had a great time Tuesday at the activities fair! Thanks to everyone who signed up for our mailing list and also to everyone who helped out with tabling, decorating, and giving out delicious juice boxes! In case you are reading this and didn't get an invitation, our first event is coming up next week! Here's all the info:

The dessert party will take place in and around Room 16 (belonging to the lovely Steph Shaw), which is on the east (right, if you're looking at the rotunda) side of the lawn. There will be plenty of food, including scones, homemade cupcakes, candy, etc. This "meeting" is going to be super relaxed so feel free to bring a friend, come by only for a part of the time, or even bring your own favorite dessert! Please, no Domino's brownie bites. hehe.

Til next time,
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