isfor everyone. a celebration of feminism at UVA. |
Jan 31, 2007,3:27 PM
TBTN will be the week of April 9-April 13th! Mark your calendars! *TAKE BACK THE NIGHT NEWS* Below is the list of committees and contact info for each one. If you need help, have questions, or want to get involved, email the contact person! sooo easy! -rally- abbie (legge@virginia.edu) and allison (alm7n@virginia.edu) -march- kim s (kimberlyc@Virginia.edu) -vigil- steph salter (sls7yj@virginia.edu), evelyn (evelyn@virginia.edu) and rachel forse (rjf9d@virginia.edu ) -week of- carly (carly.romeo@gmail.com)and lauren e (babygurle006@yahoo.com) -publicity- steph shaw (steph@virginia.edu)and greice (glv3z@Virginia.edu) -merch- rachel (rel3n@virginia.edu) -outreach/funding- fallon (fduplantis@gmail.com) *FEMMAG NEWS* If you are interested in being part of Femmag, UVa's feminist zine, please email Carly (carly.romeo@gmail.com) to be placed on the mailing list. The first meeting is tentatively set for this Wednesday at 9pm (place TBD) *VAGINA MONOLOGUES NEWS* If you would like to help with publicity for the Vagina Monologues, which will take place February 23-25th, there is an interest meeting next Tuesday...details to come! |