Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Jan 31, 2007,3:27 PM

TBTN will be the week of April 9-April 13th! Mark your calendars!

Below is the list of committees and contact info for each one. If you need help, have questions, or want to get involved, email the contact person! sooo easy!

-rally- abbie (legge@virginia.edu) and allison (alm7n@virginia.edu)
-march- kim s (kimberlyc@Virginia.edu)
-vigil- steph salter (sls7yj@virginia.edu), evelyn (evelyn@virginia.edu) and rachel forse (rjf9d@virginia.edu )
-week of- carly (carly.romeo@gmail.com)and lauren e (babygurle006@yahoo.com)
-publicity- steph shaw (steph@virginia.edu)and greice (glv3z@Virginia.edu)
-merch- rachel (rel3n@virginia.edu)
-outreach/funding- fallon (fduplantis@gmail.com)

If you are interested in being part of Femmag, UVa's feminist zine, please email Carly (carly.romeo@gmail.com) to be placed on the mailing list. The first meeting is tentatively set for this Wednesday at 9pm (place TBD)

If you would like to help with publicity for the Vagina Monologues, which will take place February 23-25th, there is an interest meeting next Tuesday...details to come!
10 previous posts
Take Back the Night Planning Meeting!see you next semester!Swing Dance Study Break!Hello all!There are only TWO more fife events this...ANOTHER Dessert Party?!?!HAUNTED HAYRIDELove Your Body Week!LYBW TablingNext Week's Meeting!Love Yor Body Week Plastic Surgery Panel Submissions
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