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Jan 26, 2008,6:00 PM
Pro-Choice Lobby Day!

For any of you pro-choice activists out there in FIFEland, here's a great opportunity for you next week!! Skipping class is awesome!!

Pro-Choice Lobby Day in Richmond, January 31st

After years of playing defense to defeat up to twenty bills each session, we are finally on the offense with an unprecedented prevention agenda! This year we are backing initiatives to involve parents in Family Life Education programs, define and protect birth control, and provide mental health resources for women at risk for perinatal depression. Join us to advocate for reproductive freedom in the Commonwealth. No experience necessary – training is provided. Register to reserve your seat on the bus at http://www.ppaction.org/ppav/events/2008prochoicelobbyday/details.tcl

Buses will leave from Charlottesville at 7:45 and return promptly at 3. Students may choose to drive independently and leave at any point throughout the day if they prefer. Below is our schedule for the day:
- Attend Senate Education & Health Committee Meeting
- Attend House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee meeting
- Lobby Legislators
- Pro-Choice People of Faith Gathering
- Lobby Day Rally
- Lobby Day Recognition in the Senate and House of Delegates
- Lunch and Lobby Day speakers

For more information, contact Sarah: sarahbenckart@gmail.com
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