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Feb 25, 2008,9:46 AM
Nice Try, Cav Daily

Today an op-ed (shudder) in the Cav Daily breached the issue of under-reporting of sexual assault on Grounds. Although it was similar to a recent article in the Daily Progress, I commend the author for bringing up the important issue. However...

There's not ONE mention of Take Back the Night in the ENTIRE THING. Seriously, CD. Can you be any more out of touch with grassroots organizing?

10 previous posts
"What campus rape crisis?"Feminist Dessert This Week!click the image to see it bigger (thanks for this ...i <3 tinagood news about women and the Oscars!more links because apparently that's all i can doI don't know if this really counts as a feminist i...FIFE's Alter-EgoTake Back the Night Logo Contest!!more sexism in sports
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