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Mar 19, 2008,12:51 PM
THIS JUST IN: NeW Founder Stupid, Unconvincing

Okay, I will totally grant that Obama's speech was good. I might even say great, which is a lot for me cause I don't really like him much, except for that he totally doesn't care about/mention GENDER OPPRESSION at all. I don't think I'm alone in my guess that if Clinton gave a similar speech about gender, she would be decried as either capitalizing on her gender, or being whiny and divisive, or playing the victim. (though I must add that I am 100% voting democrat this year--be it for Obama or Clinton--because let's face it, the current administration has made Republicans look really bad).

But the worst part about this primary race is that nobody has solid objections to Clinton; most people claim she is shrill, or cold, or just plain uninspiring--all of which have to do with either the masculine persona she's been forced to assume in order to succeed in politics OR the plain ol' fact that she's got a vagina. Not even the founder of NeW, Karin "[conservative women] like us don't get raped" Agniss can come up with legit complaints:
She rejects traditional values, celebrating the hippie generation by trying to get a $1 million earmark for a New York Woodstock museum into an appropriations bill.

Wow, yeah, what a waste of money--something dedicated to history, education, and a revolutionary time for our country. But really, is that the worst ammo you have against Clinton?
Mrs. Clinton mocks women who take their responsibilities as a mother and wife seriously. She responded to an interview comment about her outspoken role in her husband's presidential campaign by saying, "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life." (emphasis mine)

I'm sorry, but did I miss the mocking part? And of course, the obligatory mention of her clothes:
But any observant American knows that the only thing conservative about Mrs. Clinton is her new-found love for pearls.

Yawn. If someone, anyone, can come up with a non-gendered, legitimate complain against Clinton (and Not Being Jazzy/Inspiring/Upbeat enough doesn't count--that's a Pro for Obama, not a Con for Clinton), please let me know!
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