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Sep 3, 2008,12:54 PM
Which Candidates Support Women's Issues?

Sarah Palin may be a woman, but she, and John McCain, have a history of not supporting women's issues. Barack Obama and Joe Biden, on the other hand, together have a history of support women's rights.

Sarah Palin:
-opposes abortion and family planning rights
-supports teaching creationism in schools
-skeptic of global warming
-wants to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

John McCain:
-opposes affirmative action for women in the workplace
-opposed legislation to help end wage discrimination for women (Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act)
-opposed the Violence Against Women Act

Barack Obama and Joe Biden:
-support better enforcement of the Equal Pay Act
-pro-choice and want better access to contraception and health services
-Obama introduced legislation to provide $25 million every year for domestic violence prevention and fatherhood/marriage programs
-Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act, which Obama cosponsored and helped reauthorize
-support national health care plan
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