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Dec 21, 2008,7:19 PM
Diva Cup

So I'm sure most everyone here has heard of the Diva Cup. But it wasn't until I unwrapped a Kotex pad this semester and saw this that I actually considered buying one:

Now, I had been used to the blue liquid on commercials, and the picture Kotex provides online makes it seem like a drawing. But Kotex has actually decided to draw a blue outline of liquid on their pads. First, I would like to thank Kotex for telling me exactly where to bleed. Before that blue outline appeared, I never knew what to do. Second, I have to wonder what is in that ink. Just like we have a right to know what is in our clothes, and many people prefer natural fabrics like cotton, we should know what is in our "feminine products." Doing a quick search on Google, I found this blog entry where the blogger had to email Kotex to ask about what they use in their products. This person only asked about a couple of products (none of which have the ink printed on the actual pad, however), but the picture doesn't look too bright. Wood pulp? Polypropylene? Polyethylene?

But to get to the point, I am seriously considering a Diva Cup (and I heard you can fertilize your plants every time you empty it!).
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