Feminism isfor everyone.

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Dec 10, 2010,2:21 PM
well said.

"If human endeavors are like a pyramid with man's highest achievements at the top, then keeping oneself alive is at the bottom. Men have always had servants (you) to take care of this bottom stratum of life while he has confined his efforts to the rarified upper regions. It is thus ironic when they ask of women: 'Where are your great painters, statesmen, etc.?' Mrs. Matisse ran a millinery shop so he could paint. Mrs. Martin Luther King kept his house and raised his babies."
 -Pat Mainardi, The Politics of Housework

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feminism + internet memes = awesome.the "F" word and the "L" word.Levy vs. Colbertthis is what I want our dessert parties to be like...the top ten fictional feminist icons of all timeHealthy Woman ≠ Healthy Adult?the latest axe masterpiece."I'm not a feminist...I hail men!"truth.
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