Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Aug 31, 2006,9:12 AM

WOW is really all I can say about last night's dessert party! I was both amazed and thirlled to see so many peeps come out...there was some great energy and conversation going on (despite the gross weather) and it was just plain awesome. And for any of you that couldn't make it, don't worry, we'll be having a feminist dessert every month (last wednesday of every month, actually) so there will be lots of oppurtunities to just hang out with other feminists!

But alas, there is also some business! Here is the meeting reminder card for our next meeting:

At this meeting we hope to discuss and debunk some myths about feminists (and the feminist movement), share our own experiences with feminism, talk about the different kinds of feminism (and different ways of defining it), and maybe even get a little into the other (big) events we will be having this semester! Bring your friends and we will bring the snacks (we're big on food, can you tell)

as a side note, is anyone else glad that Angela finally got kicked off project runway?!

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ooooHey fifers,I don't know about you guys, but I had ...
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