Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Sep 28, 2006,10:14 PM
Next Week's Meeting!

Project Runway/T-shirt Modification Workshop
Come to the Scope an hour early and get your sew on! We'll be making last year's red Love Your Body Week T-shirts into some adorable totes slash laptop bags.

WHAT: t-shirt mods
WHERE: the scope
WHEN: next wednesday 9pm
WHY: we will be selling the bags during love your body week as a fundraiser! yay!
Sep 24, 2006,5:31 PM
Love Yor Body Week Plastic Surgery Panel Submissions

Thanks so much for telling your story. We really appreciate your help and hope to see you in October for our event!

(comment button below right)
12:05 AM
feminist dessert!

Hello all,

Everyone is invited to our next big shindig, this Wednesday at 9pm. We will be holding it at 16 E Lawn but more likely we will move up to the Rotunda so people can walk around and chat. Bring friends, sig. others, and of course dessert (if you want)! All types of desserts are welcome. Soda too! And, I'm not going to make any promises but there may or may not be vegan cake again. YES!

Here's an official invite:

I hope to see you there!

Link to the facebook event:

Sep 19, 2006,12:12 AM
vote vote vote vote vote

Love Your Body Week T-shirt Poll

vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote
Sep 8, 2006,9:01 PM
Very very

very exciting news!

The next fife meeting is on september 18. but that's not the best part! we will be talking about Love Your Body Week, a five-day extravaganzza of fun, festivities, t-shirts and of course feminism! Join us on the 18th to talk about why we have Love Your Body Week, learn about the topics that will be addressed (body image in the media, eating disorders, etc) and pick your favorite way to get involved! There will be something for everyone, from heading committees to putting up fliers, so bring friends...here is one of seven meeting reminder cards that you will hopefully see around:

please note the different meeting location than last time! See you later!

Sep 7, 2006,7:48 PM

"The F Word" meeting

Abbie + her favorite definition of feminism:

Kimberly + her fav definition:

Fun times.
10 previous posts
We've moved!N.O.M.Dropoutwell said.feminism + internet memes = awesome.the "F" word and the "L" word.Levy vs. Colbertthis is what I want our dessert parties to be like...the top ten fictional feminist icons of all time
Past posts by month
August 2006September 2006October 2006November 2006December 2006January 2007February 2007April 2007August 2007September 2007October 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010June 2010August 2010September 2010October 2010November 2010December 2010January 2011
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