Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Oct 21, 2006,3:03 PM
ANOTHER Dessert Party?!?!

That's right. Another one.

Dessert Party #3
Wednesday, October 25, 10pm
The Kaleidoscope Lounge
(3rd Floor Newcomb)

If you can, bring your own treats to share!!
(but pleast still come if you can't!!)
Oct 19, 2006,10:53 PM

Sounds awesome, right?

'cause it is.

After an amazing dinner at Martha's (7pm Elliewood Ave), come on a haunted hayride just outside of charlottesville.

Take a haunted hayride through the Misty Mountain grounds!

The ride will last 30-40 minutes and end with cookies and apple cider.

Directions (but let's carpool):
64 west to exit 107. Drive 1/2 mile west and turn left onto Misty Mountain Road.
Oct 16, 2006,1:00 AM
Love Your Body Week!

Love Your Body Week is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MONDAY- Minority Body Image

Are you tired of hearing stereotypes associated with your body type mostly because your race, ethnicity and/or religion?! Have a lot to say but never took the time to discuss it? Join FIFE (Feminism is for Everyone) on its Monday discussion (Oct. 19th) about Minority Body Image at 9 Pm in Cabell 139. The event will be an open forum and everyone is welcome to attend. The discussion will involve the breaking down stereotypes minorities face daily regarding their body image, as well as the impact magazines and the media have on the perception of what certain race and/or ethnicities bodies should look like.

TUESDAY-- Tell Me What You Don't Like About Yourself: A Panel Discussion About Plastic Surgery

Have you ever thought of getting "work done"? Do you wonder how plastic surgery affects women's body image? Why do people get plastic surgery? Is plastic surgery a form of loving your body? Plastic surgery can affect anyone, regardless of race, political views, sex, gender, age, nationality, or socioeconomic status. This panel discussion will address issues regarding plastic surgery that people think about, but rarely talk about. Join us at 5pm in Minor 125 for words, learning, and refreshments!

WEDNESDAY- Eating Disorder Forum: What you didn't learn in health class

Come discuss at a forum on eating disorders in the college community. Share your own experiences and learn more about how to help someone you care about and others at UVa. Join us at 9 PM in Clark 107.

FRIDAY- Love Your Body Week Dinner + fun!

Join us for dinner at Martha's this Friday at 7 PM and a possible haunted hay ride afterwards. Email Kimberly at kcs3t@virginia.edu to RSVP.
Oct 9, 2006,4:19 PM
LYBW Tabling

Hey all,

Love your body week is coming up next week and we will be tabling all week! The time will be organized into one hour shifts from 10-2 everyday from October 16-20th. To sign up for a one-hour shift (or two or three...) e-mail Abbie using the link on the side. All timeslots are first come first served so hurry to get the time you want.

Tabling is a great way to really get the word out about love your body week and hopefully create more awareness of fife in general, so please help if you can.

10 previous posts
We've moved!N.O.M.Dropoutwell said.feminism + internet memes = awesome.the "F" word and the "L" word.Levy vs. Colbertthis is what I want our dessert parties to be like...the top ten fictional feminist icons of all time
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