Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Dec 11, 2006,5:46 PM
see you next semester!

To all FIFErs,

Thanks so much for making this semester totally awesome! Next semester is going to be even more fun (I know, hard to believe). Just to get you excited, some projects that we will be working on include:

-Take Back the Night!!! (duh)
-feminist movie night at newcomb
-sending people to pro-choice lobby day
-"Guide to Feminism" zine
-Vagina Monlogues

If you're reading this and thinking "i really want to be involved in some of these things!" please email us at uvafife@gmail.com OR leave a comment here.

Thanks again and have a great break!
Dec 3, 2006,6:59 PM
Swing Dance Study Break!

Hey FIFErs,

As a special mid-exams relaxing/fun study break, we're gonna learn to swing dance! Let's be honest, who hasn't ever wanted to learn to jump, jive, and/or wail? Deets:

When: Sunday, December 10 at 3pm
Where: Newcomb Ballroom
What to bring: yourself! And comfy shoes.
What you don't need: Stress, a partner, or any prior experience!

We are sooo lucky to have Mike Herring of the UVa Swing Club giving our beginner-level lesson! You are guaranteed to a. learn something and b. have a ton of fun!

See you all then, and good luck on exams!
10 previous posts
We've moved!N.O.M.Dropoutwell said.feminism + internet memes = awesome.the "F" word and the "L" word.Levy vs. Colbertthis is what I want our dessert parties to be like...the top ten fictional feminist icons of all time
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