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Apr 1, 2007,3:09 PM
Take Back the Night 2007!


Saturday, April 7th
Introductory Self-Defense Workshop for Women with Lisa Speidel
1pm-3pm at the Aquatic and Fitness Center
Multi-Purpose Room 23
Free workshop designed to give women of the university community a primer on self-defense! There is a 30-person limit, so please register early by emailing your name and phone number to Lauren Ellis ( laurene@virginia.edu).

Monday, April 9th
Sexual Assault in Minority Communities: an Open Dialogue
7pm in the Kaleidoscope Lounge
The goal of this discussion-based event it to shed light on the way different minority communities deal with sexual assault and domestic violence. Co-sponsored by LTA, United Sisters, aKDPhi, and Feminism is for Everyone.
Also, there will be free food!

Tuesday, April 10th
Sexual Health/Sexual Assault Resource Fair
11am-2pm in the Newcomb Plaza (between Newcomb and the Bookstore)
Stop by the resource fair to pick up the latest information from students groups concerned with sexual health and sexual assault! Learn what each of the groups does as well as how to get involved yourself! Also, receive important information about the University's Sexual Assault Board and find out what you can do if you are assaulted or know someone who was.

Wednesday, April 11th
Forum on Dating a Survivor
7pm in the Newcomb Hall Art Gallery
A panel of survivors and their significant others share their experiences and lead an in depth discussion on a survivor's recovery process. We will address both immediate and long-term concerns such as showing empathy, recognizing destructive behaviors, and how to handle sex. SARA counselors will be on staff.

Thursday, April 12th
Take it BACK!
Rally Downtown at Lee Park - 6pm
March to UVa from Lee Park - 7:30pm
Speak out in the Amphitheater - 8:30pm

Take Back the Night is an annual opportunity for women and men of the UVa and Charlottesville community to come together in support of sexual assault survivors and against sexual and domestic violence. The nightly events and culminating festival/march/vigil have been raising UVA awareness for nearly 20 years. We invite you to join us to speak out against the silence that all too often isolates survivors and impedes the healing process. We're standing up for ourselves, our loved ones, our community. This year, join us and take your place in the movement!
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