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Feb 2, 2008,6:21 PM
Take Back the Night 2008!!!

Here ye, here ye! The votes are in (ie. the tea has been drunk and conversations had, involving spreadsheets, and lots of papers) regarding the executive board of Take Back the Night 2008 and I'm pleased to report that there are many FIFErs among those chosen. Please join me in congratulating them for being so damn awesome!!!

Rachel Massey (Rally/Festival Chair)
Katrin Schulz (Rally/Festival Co-Chair)
Christina Gadala-Maria (Rally/Festival Co-Chair)
Meghan Tertocha (March Co-Chair)
Jesse Little (Vigil Chair)
Erin Conroy (Vigil Logistics Co-Chair)
Nora Eakin (Publicity Co-Chair)
Erin Rickard (Lightcatchers Chair)
Jen Siomacco (Kickoff Concert Chair)
Kate Ringo (Kickoff Concert Co-Chair)
Margaret Long (Merch Chair)
Chris Dawson (Merch Co-Chair)
Abbie Legge (Tabling Chair)

10 previous posts
Ann Coulter saying she'd vote for Hillary...more links for your viewing pleasureeco-feminism?!p.s. Bush's state of the union address is tonight....we NEED NEED NEED a feminist voice in the cav daily!Feminism is dead?TBTN [Co-] Chair apps due on Feb. 1st!Pro-Choice Lobby Day!Feminist Dessert Flier!!!new blog!
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