isfor everyone. a celebration of feminism at UVA. |
Mar 5, 2008,12:31 PM
Bad Sex Life? "Try traditional gender roles!"
As if the bullshit that Erin so kindly posted just below this post wasn't insane enough, CNN reports that one of the ways to alleviate the pains of a sex-free relationship is to Try traditional gender roles: Men may become more sexually assertive if they feel more in control, and women may feel more desire for a mate with newfound machismo. "You don't have to get his slippers," explains Berman. "You just have to give him some control." She suggests a date where the man chooses everything -- her clothes, the restaurant, the food -- as a starting point.I really wish people would stop acting like the departure from what is clearly a situation that is bad for women (see "The Feminine Mystique") is what is messing up relationships nowadays. Because, you know, it's certainly not patriarchy, misogyny, or exaggerated masculinity. No way. boo, rest of article here. |