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Oct 28, 2008,4:36 PM
more election coverage!

In honor of our Feminist Politics meeting tonight, here's a few articles I've gathered over the past few weeks about the election...

First the woman we love to debate, Palin...
The Sexy Puritan?
"Sexy Puritans engage in the culture war on two levels—not simply by advocating conservative positions on hot-button social issues but by embodying nonthreatening mainstream standards of female beauty and behavior at the same time. The net result is a paradox, a bit of cognitive dissonance very useful to the cultural right: You get a little thrill along with your traditional values, a wink along with the wagging finger."
A GOP Feminist?
"Conservative Republicans have suddenly embraced the assertion that women can do it all, even those conservative Republicans who have made careers out of trashing that notion."
(This addresses aspects of the 'Palin as feminist' debate that Nora raised in her blog a couple weeks ago.)

Here's a great article on Michelle Obama and Jill Biden's trip to UVa:
Barack's Angels

and the Feminist Majority Get Out Her Vote Campaign website
10 previous posts
"When the Bough Breaks"FIFE T-shirts!costume ideasswow, CNN, you're just figuring this out?feminist halloween articlesFeminism, sexuality, and college studentsTips to get the Pay you Deservelate term ("partial birth") abortionsabortion in the debatesFeminist Majority Endorses Obama/Biden
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