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Jan 14, 2009,11:29 AM
Take Back the Night 2009

They tell us it happened because we were on the street, or at home; because we were in the office, or in the classroom; because we were out at night, or during the day; because we were off Grounds, or our clothes were too tight; because we are queer, or we have the wrong kind of sex; because we are the wrong color, or the wrong class; because we are transgendered; because we are the wrong religion; because we drank too much, or were out studying too late; because boys will be boys; because we were not in our bedrooms, but in the wrong neighborhood. They tell us it didn't really happen because we were dating the person; because women cannot rape, because men cannot be assaulted.

Take back the day. Take back the night. Take back our bodies. Take up the fight.
10 previous posts
One Step Forward for Fair Pay!It's like a century in girls' yearsDiva CupFem 2.0 ConferenceThe Feminist Issue For Our Time"Post-Abortion Syndrome" A Figment of Anti-Choicer...Anyone have an answer to this question?UN urges end to abuses of WomenUVA: a rape prone campusT-Shirts are in!
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