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Mar 13, 2009,11:31 AM
Celebrate Every Body Week 2009 Events

Celebrate Every Body Week 2009 Events

Body Groove

Misty Tripoli, International Nike Elite Instructor, will discuss the alluring trap of the illusive “perfect body” and how it affects the mind, body and spirit. Come dressed comfortably, to dance to your unique groove and be ready to laugh out loud! Bring your Student ID/gym membership card.

SUNDAY, MARCH 15 6:30-8:30PM, Aquatic & Fitness Center Gymnasium

How to Help a Friend
Join students from Hoos Open to Preventing Eating Disorders (HOPE) to learn how you can help a friend struggling with disordered eating, exercise and body image concerns.

MONDAY, MARCH 16 7-8PM, Newcomb Hall – Kaleidoscope

Drop-In Eating Disorders Screenings

Free, confidential screenings offered by CAPS counselors.

TUESDAY, MARCH 17 8-11AM at AFC and 5-7pm at O’Hill

Self-scored evaluations will be available at Newcomb and Student Health.

Great Jeans Giveaway

It’s in your genes, not in your jeans! Instead of dieting or exercising compulsively to squeeze into too-tight jeans, donate them in exchange for a FREE T-SHIRT.


Diary of an Exercise Addict

Your browser may not support display of this image.Peach Friedman will read from her book and discuss her experiences with an eating disorder, her recovery, consequences of a weight and fitness obsessed culture, and how to create a healthier environment.


In-Person Screenings

Women’s Center counselors will offer free, confidential eating disorders

screenings during Celebrate Every Body Week (March 16-20th). Call 434-982-2252 for an appointment.

10 previous posts
Zine deadline extended!the work placeConciousness RaisingBe a YWLP Big Sister!Feminist Film Night!Zine this Semester: Our Body, Our LivesNational Condom WeekHistory doesn't explain it allNadya SulemanThe F-Word
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