Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Jun 24, 2009,2:17 PM

Rachel (aka secondhandsally) linked to an awesome blog the other day called Cripchick, which, according to the tagline, contains "the musings of a powerchair-roaring queer radical woman of color". This blog is great on a number of levels, dealing with issues of accessibility, disability, feminism, queer rights, and how these issues begin to overlap.

Stacey, the voice behind Cripchick, is also very focused on the power of independent media and how we can use tools like blogs and the internet at large to really mobilize our ideas and causes to reach a larger audience and to provide social justice for our community at large. How awesome is that.

So, in summary, I hope everyone is having a great summer, feministing across the globe, but if you get a second you should definitely check this out!
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We've moved!N.O.M.Dropoutwell said.feminism + internet memes = awesome.the "F" word and the "L" word.Levy vs. Colbertthis is what I want our dessert parties to be like...the top ten fictional feminist icons of all time
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