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Jan 25, 2010,1:49 PM
UPDATE/CHANGE - *letter-writing party* for real reform!

hey fifers,

because of possible icky weather, the rally has been moved to a letter-writing party at the dtown Mudhouse! Bring some friends down, grab some free coffee, and write a letter to your representative demanding comprehensive reform--the kind that doesn't take away abortion coverage!

Sen. Reid said yesterday that there's "no rush" on reform...maybe he should tell that to the millions of uninsured Americans!

join us at our
Letter-Writing Party!!
Sat. Jan. 30th
10:30am - 11:30am
Mudhouse on the Dtown Mall (West end, across from ice rink)

There will be free coffee and free t-shirts and free hanging out with other cool pro-choice Virginians!

Register (it's free but we need to know how many shirts to bring) at:


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