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Feb 23, 2010,3:26 PM
Clueless & Celebrate Every Body Week

I've had this song
stuck in my head for a while now:
and in honor of Celebrate Every Body Week, I wrote my version, aspiring to be something more than skinny and pretty.

Note: It wasn't in the movie, but the full version even says "I didn't eat today..." wow.

I don't care what my teachers say
I'm gonna be a supermodel.
And Everyone is gonna dress like me,
wait and see

When I'm a supermodel
and my hair will shine like the sea.
Everyone will wanna look just like me

Cause I'm young and I'm hip, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young and I'm hip, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I wish that I was like Tori Spelling,
with a car like hers and dad like hers.
And I show them how how it was done.
That be fun, that be fun.

And I write my schoolreport,
why I love my jeans, why I love my jeans.
And oh, on my lockerdoor its the coolest thing that you have ever seen.

Cause I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I didn't eat yesterday,
I'm not gonna eat today,
I'm not gonna eat tomorrow,
Cuz I'm gonna be a supermodel.

so beautiful.......I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel.

My Version:
I don't care what my parents say,
I'm gonna be an academic.
Everyone will want to write like me,
wait and see.

When I'm an academic,
And my degrees will shine like the sea.
Everyone will want to be as smart as me

Cause I'm young, and I'm nerdy, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be an academic.

I wish that I was like Jennifer Burns,
with a Phd like hers [from Berkley] and a great first book like hers [check it out on Amazon].
And I show them how how it was done.
That be fun, that be fun.

And I write my schoolreport,
why I love my SWAG major, why I love my SWAG major.
And oh, and my research paper its the coolest thing that you have ever seen.

Cause I'm young, and I'm nerdy, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be an academic.

Cause I'm young, and I'm nerdy, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be an academic.

I didn't sleep yesterday,
I'm not gonna sleep today,
I'm not gonna sleep tomorrow,
Cuz I'm gonna be a academic.

So talented...I'm gonna be an academic.

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