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Apr 14, 2007,2:13 PM
Elections on Tuesday!!

Hello FIFE,

Elections are being held Tuesday, April 17th, at 9pm in Minor 130. Below is the list of possible positions. If you're interested in running for one or more, please email uvafife@gmail.com and indicate your name and your interest. Thanks!!

Executive Chair
The Executive Chair shall:
(a) preside at all membership meetings
(b) call meetings of the Executive Board
(c) supervise the work of all offices and committees;
(d) prepare and file the documents necessary to maintain the affiliations of FIFE
(e) speak on behalf of FIFE to the University community and the general public;
(f) be responsible for securing membership meeting place
(g) be responsible for providing an agenda at the beginning of each membership meeting;
(h) be responsible for providing the year-long plan for FIFE at the first fall meeting;
(i) be responsible for providing membership recruitment plan at the first fall meeting;
(j) be responsible for planning a program for each weekly membership meeting along with the two VPs. Programs may include but are not limited to speakers from both inside and outside the University, forums for discussion, and legislative or political updates;

Vice Chair of Internal Affairs

The Vice Chair of Internal Affairs shall:
(a) preside at membership meetings in the absence of the President;
(b) record member attendance and maintain the membership rolls of eligible voting members;
(c) see to the comfort and inclusion of new members;
(d) prepare and coordinate active membership recruitment; and
(e) help organize weekly programs along with the President and other VP.

Vice Chair of External Affairs
The Vice Chair of External Affairs shall:
(a) establish and maintain relations with other on-grounds organizations in order to promote common Feminist interests;
(b) establish and maintain relationships with off-grounds feminist organizations;
(c) help organize weekly programs along with the President and other VP; and
(d) manage the FIFE facebook group;

Administrative Chair

The Administrative Chair shall:
(a) compile the minutes of all membership and Executive Board meetings and make said minutes available to the membership and Executive Board, respectively;
(b) be responsible for weekly contact with the membership through electronic mail;
(c) receive and answer all correspondence and written inquiries received by FIFE;
(d) manage the FIFE listserv and be responsible for the regular addition and deletion of names; and
(e) inform the officers of duties and their pertinent dates as regulated in this constitution.
Financial Chair

The Financial Chair shall:
(a) maintain the financial records of FIFE;
(b) collect and record membership dues, should the Executive Board deem them necessary, and inform the Executive Board of who has paid;
(c) maintain the FIFE accounts, making all deposits and authorizing any withdrawals from the same;
(d) prepare an annual budget for FIFE for submission to the Executive Board for the calendar year. Upon adoption of the budget, with or without amendments, the treasurer shall lead the Executive Board in presenting the budget to the membership at the Budget Meeting;
(e) plan ways to raise funds for FIFE; and
(f) prepare and submit the annual budget to the Student Council Appropriations Committee.
Education Chair
The Education Chair shall:
(a) keep the membership of FIFE aware of relevant news developments at local, state, national, and global levels through weekly education update emails;
(b) maintain FIFE records of past research and references on issues;
(c) lead a discussion during membership meetings regarding said issues; and
(d) select pertinent films, books, websites, and other forms of media to use as an aid to FIFE and its goals.
Publicity Chair
The Publicity Chair shall:
(a) be responsible for publicizing the time and location of each membership meeting in the University's print media;
(b) publicize all FIFE events, including creating and posting event notices, managing chalking campaigns, and, when appropriate, obtaining media coverage for events and activities; and
(c) manage and update the FIFE website.
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