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Feb 4, 2008,4:59 PM
Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Hoftra University

WTF??!?!? Moment:

Lauren Summa, a Hofstra University grad student, was the athletic manager of the university's football team. She was repeatedly sexually harassed by the players during team bus trips in 2006. One time, the players repeatedly shouted obscenities while viewing a sexually explicit movie provided by the assistant coach! Another time, she was locked in the bus bathroom.

Summa reported the incidents to the head coach, Dave Cohen, who said that the incidents were not serious and that reporting them to the school "would only draw unnecessary attention to the football program." Summa was eventually dropped from the staff.

Summa is now filing a lawsuit against the school.

Idea: Let's write to Lauren telling her that we support her! I'll do some research to see how we can get in contact w/ her.

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