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Feb 8, 2008,10:01 AM
" V Day:" What it really means

Check this out from the Urban Dictionary:


1. Short for vagina day, is conveniently celebrated on February 14th, and is enjoyed by all. Many are unaware that when they yell "Happy V day", (intending to mean Happy Valentines day), they are really wishing the other person's vagina has a happy day.

2. V Day or Vagina Day is a day established by Eve Ensler, author of the Vagina Monologues, to end domestic violence and sexual abuse of women. It is celebrated on Valentine's day and many communities put on plays from parts of the Vagina Monologues or additional stories related to orgasms, menarche, first sexual experiences, sexuality, molestation, rape, etc. They express what a vagina would say if it could talk. Proceeds from the plays go towards centers for domestic violence and rape preventions.


The VAGINA MONOLOGUES will be Friday February 15 & Saturday February 16 at 8pm in the Chemistry Auditorium.
Tickets are $5, all proceeds will be donated to organizations working to end violence against women and girls.
You can buy tickets in advance on the Lawn or at Newcomb, starting Monday.

Also, SEXUAL HEALTH CARNIVAL will be at the Chemistry building at 6:30pm before each show!!

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