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Apr 15, 2008,11:11 AM
FIFE Elections Tonight- 9pm in Newcomb Boardroom

Executive Chair:
Run meetings, speak on behalf of FIFE in public, at events, andsometimes when working with other orgs, help members put their ideasfor events into actions. This role holds the biggest time commitment,about 10 hours per week at its busiest.

Vice Chair of External Affairs:
Work with non-FIFE orgs/co-sponsorships, work closely with publicitychair to connect with the Cav Daily and other news outlets (possiblybe in charge of letters to the editor), attend Minority RightsCoalition meetings, run meetings in Executive Chair's absence. Thiswill be about a 7-8 hour time commitment at its busiest.

Vice Chair of Internal Affairs:
Keep track of new members and help them feel welcome. Also will[eventually] be in charge of Fem Fam, the big/little sibling program.This will be about a 7-8 hour time commitment at its busiest.

Administrative Chair:
Manage FIFE listserv, email weekly meeting reminders and summaries,help the Executive chair field email questions about FIFE. Also keepstrack of any and all forms that FIFE must fill out as well as fillingout nomination forms for various leadership programs (ie. Young WomenLeaders, Summer Leadership Conferences, NOW conferences, Awards, etc).This will be about a 4-5 hour time commitment at its busiest.

Financial Chair:
Do the money stuff, or as the constitution says: "collecting dues fromeach member and shall have control of expenditures, with the adviceand consent of the Executive Chair. The treasurer will also write thefollowing year's budget and keep track of both SAF funds and FIFE'spersonal finances." This chair will also be in charge of coming upwith fun-rasiers (or fundraisers). This will be about a 3-4 hour timecommitment at its busiest.

Education Chair:
Update members on current and new feminist events/policies/issues, bysending out emails before the meeting and leading education-relateddiscussions during the meeting. Also will be the primary blogger forthe FIFE blog and will be in charge of FOAs. This will be about a 4-5hour time commitment at its busiest.

SHe Said editor:
In charge of putting the zine together and getting it all printed andpretty. Makes final decisions about what goes into it and in whatorder. This is a big time commitment during production, with lessintense requirements during the rest of the semester. If you havequestions about this or the following two positions, please contactJen Siomacco (jen.siomacco@gmail.com)

SHe Said Art Co-Editor:
In charge of soliciting and selecting submissions of art and poetryfor the zine.

SHe Said Literary Co-Editor:
In charge of soliciting and selecting submissions of prose andnon-fiction for the zine.

(there may also be some other executive chairs that will be added)

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UVA Events this weekthe place to be on April 23rd!inspiration!LINKS!Pregnant ManThis must be some kind of record!!Feminist Warm Fuzzieswhooooaaaa!Title IXtraditional gender roles and politics, what?!
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