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Apr 8, 2008,10:40 PM

And you thought sexism was dead...
Three women who took on discrimination in the male-dominated world of American finance have won a US$33m ($42m) legal settlement that will compensate thousands of underpaid female workers and marks another step in the fight against sexism and unequal pay on Wall St.

International story: Japanese government promotes women! hurray!

AND FINALLY... I saw this on feministing and I thought it was the craziest most sexist thing I'ver ever heard of (and also most sexist way of presenting it):
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Pregnant ManThis must be some kind of record!!Feminist Warm Fuzzieswhooooaaaa!Title IXtraditional gender roles and politics, what?!another facebook post...This looks awesomeWell That Was SurprisingTHIS JUST IN: NeW Founder Stupid, Unconvincing
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