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Apr 29, 2008,12:05 AM
more on: PERIODS!

So yesterday a classmate of mine who I'm working on a presentation with came over to my apartment. A tampon fell out of her backpack and onto the floor and when she realized it, she said "Oh, is this yours? no? awkwarddd!" Along with the previous blog post, this is gotten me thinking: why is menstruation so taboo? why are tampons and period talk "awkward." I mean... half the population deals with. Are they really that gross? Should we get tampons for free in public restrooms?

The eternal Cosmo question: why are do men get so uncomfortable when you talk about periods?
Personally, I don't care how uncomfortable guys get when I talk about my period because CRAMPS SUCK and if I wanna complain, I should be able to just like anyone would complain about intense pain.

here's a blog entry that is a lot more thought provoking than this one:
Coming out of the Menstruation Closet

I'm sure many of you ladies have stories about period emergencies that could have easily been avoided if talking about them wasn't so "awkward" and "inappropriate."

I suggest a feminist art project using period products. Anyone on board?
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