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Apr 24, 2008,1:15 AM
i hope the straight-talk express runs into its own misogynist-dug ditch

So while traveling through poverty-stricken New Orleans, where most in poverty are women, John McCain stated that he opposed a bill that would make it easier for women to sue corporations for gender pay inequality.

This just goes to show that John McCain:
-does not care about women
-has a gross misunderstanding about the causes of gender wage gaps (placing the blame on a lack of "education and training," although research has shown time and time again that gender wage inequalities exist independent of such factors)
-despite his stated support for 'family values' (in regards to banning abortion), could not care less about families or their children, since equalizing pay would lead to millions of families escaping poverty (oh noes!)

So please, whether or not you're a Democrat, whether you support Obama or Clinton, do not let this misogynist asshat in office. And urge those you know to oppose him, as well.

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