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May 4, 2008,3:33 PM

I just wanted to give out a big old FUCK YOU to the group a guys that drove by my roommate and me last night on our walk home.

I was walking back FROM THE LIBRARY and met up with my roommate at her friend's apartment to walk back the rest of the way home together. It was probably around 12 or 12:30 when a group of guys drove by, slowed down to the speed we were walking, and stuck their heads out of the window. They only did this for a few seconds but when we walked to the top of the hill (5 minutes later) they were PARKED, and stuck their heads out again, this time saying, "HEY LADIES, WHERE'S THE LINGERIE PARTY?!"

Okay first of all, just to make this clear, neither of were dressed in lingerie or anything remotely close to lingerie. Apparently there was a lingerie party somewhere near where we were, but that was not our destination. And second of all, even if we had been dressed in anything a little revealing, it would not justify their behavior in any way. Women should be able to dress however they want without having to deal with assholes like them.

So, FUCK YOU DUDES FROM LAST NIGHT AND PUBLIC PERVERTS EVERYWHERE for making us feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe just to walk 5 blocks home. And FUCK YOU for making us feel disgusting and like sex objects.

People try to blame it on the women, saying ooo well what were you wearing? what time was it? were you alone? etc etc
BUT MEN, CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, HAVE THE CAPACITY TO RESTRAIN THEMSELVES (as demonstrated by the group of men who don't do this).
While yes, women can take preventative measures, THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.

I can think of NUMEROUS TIMES where I have been followed like that, in the middle of the day and in "safe" neighborhoods, by men who slow down, honk repeatedly, try to talk to me, etc. I hate it and I shouldn't have to deal with it.


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