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May 2, 2008,10:54 AM

Wikipedia, somehow through a maze of links, led me to discover RAPEX: THE ANTI-RAPE CONDOM.

Basically, it's a female condom with hooks that embed itself into the rapist's penis and then must be surgically removed.

The website encourages women to wear them whenever they are taking long trips alone and at night, or whenever they are uncomfortable.

It's really sad and awful that women have to FEAR walking home alone or traveling at night because of rapists. This condom is awesome in my opinion, but it just reinforces some sad truths. Women shouldn't have to wear these to defend themselves because THEY SHOULDN'T BE RAPED. But rape happens so RAPEX seems like a good method of self defense.

The creator, in response to criticism that rapex is a "medieval device," wittingly responded, "a middle device for a medieval deed"

I wonder if there are any success stories.

side note:
rapex was invented in South Africa, which has the world's highest rate of sexual assault and rape.
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