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May 6, 2008,12:09 PM

I.... don't even know what to say about this.... other than.... *sigh* fuck!

I actually just got back from walking from Barracks shopping center (in a skirt and tank top, for shame) and some guys of course yelled something at me out their car window. I don't even know what they said, I don't even care. What did bother me was that it didn't bother me. I mean it did, but it just did not surprise me. It just goes to show that, like Katrin described a few days ago with her 'lingerie party' hassle, we are used to being seen as just public property. Men can holler what they want at us, catcall, whistle, throw stuff, dry hump, fondle, assault, whatever... except FUCK NO. I don't think so. Last time I checked I'm a human being entitled to the privacy of my own body. So is Melissa Bruen, so is Melissa McEwan, so is Katrin, so are we all.
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National NOW conference is in D.C. this year, from...angry.Most Shocking Headline EverPay Gap PrimerRAPEXGoodbye, DC Madamfeminist role modelSTUPID SCIENCE.god i'm glad i was born before 2000...Whoa.
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