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Jun 10, 2008,11:34 PM
My Internship!

Hey Everyone,
So this summer I am living in Los Angeles with my sister, and I have an internship at Break the Cycle! Break the Cycle is a national non-profit organization that fights to end dating and domestic violence among youths between the ages of 12-24. I have been working there now for a few weeks now, and I LOVE it! Right now I am working on a Fotonovela, which is like a comic book but instead of illustrations it has pictures in comic book form. It is really popular with the Latino population, which is important because it is part of our Latino education campaign to target Latinos in the LA area and let them know about resources available to them. Last Friday I got to work on a photo shoot for it! Other than that I have been writing a grant and learning a lot about the inner workings of a non-profit. If you are interested, check out the website, www.breakthecycle.org
And if this kind of internship interest you, let me know and I will help you apply for next summer!
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