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Jun 4, 2008,4:32 PM
Sex and the City

Has anyone seen this yet?

Let me just say, I love Sex and the City. I saw it and I loved it. It truely did feel like I was being reunited with "old pals" as many reviews have said. Yea yea, Sex and the City can be materialistic, can be shallow, whatever... but it's entertaining. AND it's about women from the perspective of women! Check out these articles about the movie and feminism :

"And so while it is probably about as much use as the Beano as a manual for life, you can be a feminist and like Sex and the City. Not least because if you're about to start letting political doctrine arbitrarily dictate which bits of the culture you respond to you may as well give up now and submit to the patriarchy. But mainly because the programme is funny and clever and it thinks women are important"

(On the negative reviews of the movie): "I can't help but wonder—cue the Carrie Bradshaw voiceover here—if it's not a case of "Sexism in the City." Men hated the movie before it even opened. They flooded IMDB.com, voting early and often, so that the movie would have a low rating of 3 out of 10 among users before Friday"

"The most significant independence Bradshaw and her friends exercise is not with their minds, hearts or bodies but their credit cards."

"Sex and the City" does highlight the complexities of what it means to be a modern, independent, woman. Feminist or not, I'm still a fan."

What are your thoughts?
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