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Jun 5, 2008,4:52 PM
women's shoes= bad news

Suprise suprise! "High heels are destroying women's feet, causing permanent damage to a third of women, according to new research."

My favorite part of this article was that at the end, it says flat pumps "were equally problematic because they offer no support at all."

Ok question: Am I a bad feminist because I love wearing heels? On the one hand, I love heels because they make me taller (there I go buying into beauty standards) and make me feel more confident (only because I feel more attractive). On the other hand, sometimes I just find heels that are adorable and I like the way they look... it's fashion, right. Although I don't necessary call myself a "shoe-girl," a good pair of heels can make me swoon. I just wish I didn't get as many blisters and calluses as I do.
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