isfor everyone. a celebration of feminism at UVA. |
Apr 6, 2009,11:42 PM
The Mommy Wars Rage On
Check out this article on the Today Show's website: Dr. Laura's 'Praise for Stay-at-Home Moms' "In her latest book, she argues that staying home to raise children is a challenging yet rewarding experience — and more importantly, the right choice for the whole family, even communities." Laura writes: "Until I was thirty-five, I never wanted to be a mother. At least, that’s what I thought, largely because of having been in university during the 1960s, when I was brainwashed (aka had my consciousness raised) into being a feminista for whom a career, with its promise of personal importance, power and success, was what a real woman was supposed to aspire to." Wow. Thank goodness we feminists don't brainwash women into career zombies anymore. (Sarcasm, there.) See last spring's Alternative Domesticity zine for proof that feminists can be stay-at-home moms, career women, or moms with a career... Luckily, the website also offers a counterpoint: Are stay-at-home moms risking everything? Author Leslie Bennetts cautions women against financial dependence Because, you know, even if your family is lucky enough to be able to make ends meet on just your husband's income, that arrangement won't necessarily last forever. He could die, or your marriage could end in divorce, like half of them do. So even if you do choose to stay at home, it's important to have a fallback plan. |