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Sep 16, 2010,2:23 PM

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

or a WOman!

This website is absolutely amazing. Rather than simply donating money to provide aid to those in need, why not provide loans to people in impoverished countries so they are able to start businesses and continue to make profits of their own?

On a more feminist note, it is a proven fact that women who are given economic opportunity are more likely than men to use the funds to provide for their family, thus increasing the overall health and well-being of the entire community. Furthermore, women in impoverished areas who are able to start their own businesses are simultaneously liberated from the economic dependence on men that may be holding them in a subordinate position in society.

Here's how it works: go to the kiva website and click on the "Lend" tab. This will take you to a list of groups/individuals in need of loans, including pictures and background information on what they plan to do with their loan. You can filter this list by gender as well as the country of those asking for loans. This is different from simply giving to a charity because you actually get your money back (which you can then re-lend to another group, if you want)

You have nothing to lose!

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