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Aug 15, 2010,11:09 PM
fifeblog revamp!

helloo feminists!

This is Sarah posting to the fifeblog for the very first time. I figured that this momentous occasion warranted a spankin' new layout for this sucker (that and the fact that the start of a new school year is right around the corner!).

If you're like me, you've been getting lots of feminist summer reading in since May. I'm currently working on The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf, which is an awesome read if you're a woman, a feminist, someone who has ever struggled with self-esteem, or simply somebody who's tired of waking up that extra half-hour earlier in the morning to poke yourself in the eye with a mascara wand 32917 times. If this book doesn't make you more appreciative of your own natural, inner beauty, it will at least make you pissed off enough about all of the unfair conspiracies and double-standards behind our culture's concept of feminine beauty to stop caring about whether you meet these "beauty" standards in the first place. I definitely felt a sudden boost of I-don't-give-a-fuck confidence as I sat on the beach reading this book in my bikini. Filed under: game-changer.

FIFE looks forward to hearing about all of your interesting summer reading and also plans to start a new book club feature this coming semester, among other exciting things!

see you all soooon!


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