Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Feb 10, 2008,5:05 PM
FIFE This Week


I thought it would be nice to give you a Sunday-afternoon calendar of the upcoming FIFE week. Here you go!

  • FIFE Bake Sale for TBTN = all day on the Lawn.
  • The "Feminist" Vote = 9pm in Newcomb Board Room.
    • An open body meeting led by Catherine Worrell of the UDems, investigating the myths of a monolithic feminist vote and discussing candidates' positions on important issues. *see flier at the bottom of this post!*


  • Project Runway Watching Party = 10pm in the Scope (3rd floor Newcomb)

  • THE MOST FUCKING ROMANTIC VALENTINE'S DAY EVERRRRRRR = meet at Carly and Jen's place at 7pm. Wear your costumes!!

flier for tuesday's meeting:

also, there will be snacks.

10 previous posts
" V Day:" What it really meansA New StoryI'm Sorry, But This Guy's An Idiot.Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Hoftra Univer...Sexism at YaleTake Back the Night 2008!!!Ann Coulter saying she'd vote for Hillary...more links for your viewing pleasureeco-feminism?!p.s. Bush's state of the union address is tonight....
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Coded by wickedicy banner from Reviviscent.