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Apr 22, 2008,12:52 AM
"the sad truth about relationships".... i am not amused.

So I came across this video entitled "the sad truth about relationships" but I can't help but notice that this more like "the sad truth about women." It depicts women as attention-needy, boring, marriage-obsessed, and empty. This video also seems to make some statements on race and class... one person commented on it saying "Most dumb liberal American Obama voters live just like this. It's pretty sad." This person picked up on the fact that these relationships are supposed to be representive of the educated, white, upper middle class. SO problems I have with this:
1) generalized that this is how all white upper middle class women want to live their lives (not true)
2) makes women look completely responsible for these types of relationships... our society does perpetuate expectations of marriage, having children, etc but it's for some people and not for others.
3) people that do the traditional courtship, marriage, etc are not all depressed and attention-needy. Many people who live this lifestyle are happy

This awesome girl (minus her comment on wanting all children to die) showed the creator what's up:
"So, this is how you think life is eh? WELL I DISAGREE, and i'm female too!
Things i NEVER want to do in my life:
-Be all prissy and b*tchy saying that we should go to movies cause aparently its the only form of entertainment.
-Have a wedding = THATS RIGHT FOLKS, WEDDINGS ARE EVIL. They are a WASTE of money and time, sure they have tax benifits, but still. COMEPLETE BULLCRAP.
-I Dont want to have a child. I HATE CHILDREN AND THEY CAN ALL DIE! seriously, what the hell is this bull crap?!
-I would never NEVER in a million years say i don't want to travel. I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD AND LEARN ABOUT THE HUMAN MIND! I live by science AND religion, useful for philosophical talks.
-I would never let my significant other die before me, if anything i would kill myself so that i was not alone.

Screw you and your ideas. I hate you.

-love jessica."

I am not a fan of videos like this. Maybe some people do have similar relationships to this... but not because the women are so pathetic... it often has to with societal expectations that women feel pressure to fill. Women shouldn't have to feel those pressures. So maybe that's what the video is trying to say, but I'm having a hard time seeing it.
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