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May 9, 2008,12:14 PM
How to Decrease the Number of Abortions:

Create more unwanted pregnancies!! Wait...

In a stroke of genius (or insanity), The American Life League is sponsoring "PROTEST THE PILL DAY 08" (tagline: "The Pill kills babies!!") If you want a good chuckle, check out their website, where you will be treated to such gems as:

It is a proven, scientific fact that when the human egg and human sperm unite, fertilization occurs and a new human being is created.(note obvious lack of citation here)

[The Pill] also changes the lining of the uterus. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the five- to seven-day-old baby to attach to the lining,

please take a moment to imagine a 5- to 7-day old baby trying to attach to your (or a female friend's) uterus.

All I have to say is that I'm glad that at least some opponents of the right to abortion are showing their true colors: they want to control women's sexual activity, force them to "pay" for their actions (ie. be reduced to a womb with legs if they become pregnant), and slap on a nice big guilt trip to boot. Maybe they should also have a "Whacking Off Whacks Babies" Day or "Menstruation = Murder" Day to condemn those unfertilized sperm/eggs that could have maybe had a tiny chance of becoming humans.
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