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Nov 3, 2008,10:39 PM
auctioning off your virginity?! really?!

According to "Natalie Dylan", "We live in a capitalist society, why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?"

So, naturally, she's auctioning off her virginity to the highest bidder. eBay turned her down, but she found a way around that..."I think it's a tremendous idea," says Dennis Hof, proprietor of the brothel which is sponsoring the auction. "Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota when you can pay for your education?" My sentiments exactly. Except for the part where you want your sex life to have meaning, you don't want to sell your own body, you probably want to have sex with someone you love, sex with a rich stranger for a fee is utterly degrading, etc.
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