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Jan 31, 2009,2:09 PM
eight babies at once.

Read about proud mother Nadya Suleman, who made headline news for giving birth to eight babies (all of which are currently breathing on their own, a modern-day miracle).

Equally miraculous (though somewhat unsurprising) - these babies were not conceived naturally.

I find it troubling that we as a society are so judgmental of women who terminate a natural pregnancy for a reason as frivolous as "they just don't want a baby right now". For all intents and purposes, this woman conceived eight children at once (through a sperm donor and undisclosed fertility enhancement treatment), a feat which put all eight babies in grave danger (with her babies weighing in between 1 lb, 8 oz and 3 lb, 4 oz), and will now raise these babies without an income, relying on her parents for financial support of her 14-children family, for a reason as frivolous as "she just wants to have more children".

We as a society have respected this woman's right to choose.

PS - Thanks to my friend (and blog contributor) Celeste for the article.
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