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Jan 21, 2009,8:26 AM
Mexico City Policy Update!

That's right, folks: Tomorrow marks the 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that established that abortions fall under women's right to privacy (under the due process clause in the 14th amendment). Although there is considerable discourse regarding feminism and abortion (some of it much more reputable than other parts), I think we can all agree that strong reproductive health policy and high-quality care for women are important feminist goals. But that's not what I'm talking about today.

Today I want to draw your attention to an important political change on the horizon--a policy that Obama will most likely overturn tomorrow, the anniversary of Roe v Wade.

The Mexico City Policy (sometimes called the Global Gag Rule) requires international non-governmental organizations to "agree as a condition of their receipt of [U.S.] federal funds" that they will "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations". This means that not only can international NGO health care providers (read: the kind that serve extremely poor and extremely rural populations) not use U.S. funds to perform abortions, buy abortion-related supplies, or create pamplets/presentations explaining the option of abortion to their clients (even when abortion in legal in their country), but they also are not permitted to use their own money--fundraised by their employees or their community, private donations, and funds from other countries--for these things. Not only that, but the policy also restricts the discussion of the dangers of illegal abortions, post-abortion counseling, and the referral of women who seek abortions to safe providers.

If this doesn't make you angry--it should. Earlier this month, the Center for Reproductive Rights published this short, easy-to-read article about Mexico City Policy, rebuking several of the most-used lines used to defend it. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Obama follows through with his promise to going past "worn-out dogma" and shows his commitment to women's health internationally!

For more: Population Action International, The Center for Reproductive Rights

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