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Feb 11, 2008,4:04 PM
Things That Make You Go "WHAAAT??"

The ever-watchful Harrison linked me to this, well...interesting article about Michelle Obama and her role in the election. Most of you know which candidate I support, but let's just say I would be happy with either Bill or Michelle as first ladies. Especially because it sounds like Mrs. Obama is one tough cookie:
"With the Democratic presidential race wide open, Mrs. Obama, a 44-year-old Princeton- and Harvard Law-educated hospital executive, is assuming the same dominant role in Sen. Obama's public life that she has in his private life. At home, she expects a lot of every family member, from having her 6- and 9-year-old daughters set their own alarm clocks to insisting her husband pick up his dirty socks." (emphasis mine)

Um, excuse me? Since when is it considered "a lot" for a grown man--who may in fact run this country soon--to pick up his dirty socks? UGH!!

read the rest here.

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