Feminism isfor everyone.

a celebration of feminism at UVA.
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Apr 19, 2009,11:54 AM
I ♥ Female Orgasm

Orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders are welcome to come learn about everything from multiple orgasms to that mysterious G-spot.

Whether you want to learn how to have your first orgasm, how to have better ones, or how to help your girlfriend, Dorian and Marshall cover it all with lots of humor, plenty of honesty, and an underlying message of sexual health and women's empowerment.

Thursday, April 23rd, 7pm, Chemistry Auditorium
Join FIFE there!
Buttons, T-Shirts, and other awesome merch will be for sale so you can tell everyone you love female orgasms!
10 previous posts
History of Women at UVA TourBusiness of Being Born Tonight, Friday April 10thThe Mommy Wars Rage OnTake Back The NightSexual Assault on Women in the MilitaryLilly Ledbetter at the FMF Conference!HPV Vaccine for boys?Apply to intern at the Women's Center!The Economy and MasculinityCelebrate Every Body Week 2009 Events
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